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The Regaining Your Youth & Vitality Workshop is a new patient and practice promotional tool that will change the way you view chiropractic truth, your purpose along with your enthusiasm and inspiration to teach more people about living a better and healthier life with a healthy spine, posture and nervous system. You will learn and teach the research supporting the fact that your spine is the core foundation of strength, life and health of your body in a way that will leave no doubts in the minds of the people attending your workshop. You will also be given an instructional DVD and CD on how to deliver this workshop in a way that handles all objections and teach your patients and guests to take responsibility for their health while inspiring them to make an empowered decision to live an optimal lifestyle with optimal posture and spinal structure. You are also supported with a poster for your reception area,post card invitations and a flyer to promote your workshop in businesses. There is much thought, inspiration and intention to bring you the best, most effective tool in the profession to raise the level of awareness in your patients to help you fulfill your purpose in chiropractic.