CBP® Pro-Lordotic Neck Exerciser
CBP® Pro-Lordotic Neck Exerciser
CBP® Pro-Lordotic Neck Exerciser
CBP® Pro-Lordotic Neck Exerciser

CBP® Pro-Lordotic Neck Exerciser

The Newly Redesigned CBP® Pro-Lordotic Neck Exerciser is Here. Key design features:

  • Break resistant fixed length center strap with elastic attachments on each end allows for uniform resistance and loading on each left vs. right side.
  • Durable, cleanable, heavy duty foam cover over the center of the strap.
  • High quality rubber handles for a cleanable surface and more professional look and feel.
  • Professional look, feel, and function setting the industry standard.
  • ** 3 Month Warranty from Date of Purchase With Proper Usage**

The CBP® Pro-Lordotic cervical spine and posture exercise band is a progressive resistance neck exercise device that loads the normal lordosis into the cervical spine while active extension and translation exercises of the entire cervical spine are performed during the 5-10 minute, structural / postural corrective, home or in-office treatment session.

This is the only CBP® Endorsed and named home cervical spine exercise device to apply a strong rehabilitative stretching of the anterior cervical structures. This helps to stretch and strengthen the supporting structures of the cervical spine. Active movement helps to minimize or remodel scar tissue and assists in the rehydration through movement of the cervical spine discs (imbibition). It can also be used to strengthen the important deep anterior cranial-cervical flexors, which research has shown will improve head posture and reduce chronic neck pain and headache.

Three Versions Available:

  • Red Easy pull: Approximate resistance 20 lbs. For Very Petite Adults, Seniors, and Children with reduced strength  
  • Blue Medium pull: Approximate resistance 25 lbs. For Average Adult Females and Smaller Males
  • Green Strong pull: Approximate resistance 35 lbs. For most Adult Males and Stronger Adult Females

 ** 3 Month Warranty from Date of Purchase With Proper Usage**

 CBP® Pro-Lordotic Neck Exerciser Instructions

Allergy Information CBP® Pro-Lordotic Neck Exerciser - Latex material is used on the inside of the fabric sleeve.

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