CBP + WebExercises Pro
WebExercises® gives you total control to quickly and efficiently deliver clear and concise exercise programs.
- 3,500+ Exercise Library for all body regions
- 75+ Condition Based Protocols
- Specialty Libraries including Pregnancy, Geriatric, Women's Health, Pediatric and more!
- Denneroll Traction for Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar
- Pro-Lordotic Exercises for High, Mid and Lower Cervical Strengthening
- Mirror Image Exercise Set Ups for all body regions
- Instantly Share Exercise Rx to Any Mobile Device
- Real-Time Patient Feedback to Monitor Compliance
- Easily Record Exercise Rx Notes to Any EMR
- Add Your Own Exercise Photos and Videos
- Time Saving Patient Education Handouts
- Branded Exercises Handouts with Your Logo
- Digital Assessment Questionnaires SF-36, Bournemouth Neck, Bournemouth Low Back and More!
- WebExercises Patient App for Apple or Android
- PostureScreen Sync with Auto Suggested Exercises
- Add custom exercises to PostureScreen
- $54.95 per month - 7 Days Risk Free
- $449.95 Annual Subscription
WebExercises and Chiropractic Biophysics have partnered to offer the CBP Mirror Image® exercise library in an engaging way for your patients.
No longer will your patients wonder how to perform the exercises you’ve prescribed once they leave your office. The CBP Mirror Image® library gives you the power to prescribe exercises with clear photos and videos narrated by Dr. Deed Harrison. This library also includes Pro-Lordotic, Denneroll traction instructions and functional training exercises.
WebExercises allows you to monitor patient progress taking the guess work out of how your patient is doing with their home exercise program. You also have the ability to import your exercise prescription notes directly in to any EMR in seconds.
The CBP Mirror Image® exercise library also sync’s with PostureScreen Mobile giving you access directly from the app. When you create an exercise program within PostureScreen Mobile the exercises will automatically be “pushed” into your WebExercises® account simplifying the management between these two programs. Your own exercises can also be sync’d to PostureScreen from Webexercises.
The CBP Mirror Image® exercise library can also be purchased for only PostureScreen Mobile.