CBP Remodeling Techniques:  Restoring Health by Restoring Alignment

CBP Remodeling Techniques: Restoring Health by Restoring Alignment

The 3rd in the Series of The CBP Patient Education Brochures is now available!

The CBP Spinal Remodeling Techniques Brochure is the 3rd in our series of professional patient education brochures. This full color Brochure should be provided to the patient immediately after their initial Report of Findings (ROF) or during the first few patient treatment sessions. This 3rd brochure compliments the Better Back Brochure and Proper Posture Brochure. Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) is a uniquely different and perhaps, superior type of chiropractic technique. As such, a different system of patient educational content is needed for thorough patient understanding of the nature and type of care that will be provided for their unique spinal and health conditions.

The Spinal Remodeling Techniques Brochure provides clear and concise information the patient needs to know about the consequences of altered spinal alignment and the need for CBP Spinal Remodeling Techniques or traction methods. CBP's unique remodeling-traction devices are many, sometimes daunting, and often poorly understood by patients. This brochure provides professional figures of the less aggressive traction devices and provides the explanation for the need of such devices in spinal rehabilitation. The more sophisticated traction devices are referred to allowing a connection with the patient prior to their introduction to their care. The initial length of CBP corrective care programs is reviewed and estimation of average corrections are shown using professional spinal graphics. Long-term care (up to a year or more) is discussed based upon patient and spinal responses. We know your patients will enjoy this professionally developed educational brochure. On the back is room for you to place your stamp or label of your office logo and contact details.

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