Erickson Traction Fulcrum

Erickson Traction Fulcrum

The Erickson Thoraco Lumbar Traction Fulcrum has 1” and 2” height adjusting pads as well as quick-release buckles with neoprene covers for increased patient comfort.
  • First traction device to designed to increase a Hypo-Thoracic Kyphotic spine.
  • The superior/inferior traction belts dramatically increase the spinal remodeling force of this traction fulcrum.
  • Elliptical lumbar extension traction device to restore the lumbar lordosis.
  • Pelvic extension traction device to decrease lumbar hyperlordosis.
  • To be used at home or in the office.

Erickson Traction Fulcrum Instructions

This product will ship directly from the manufacturer: Circular Traction

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